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- 联 系 人:许开典
- 联系电话:159****8561;137****1649;
- 联系地址:佛山市南海区大沥镇黄岐渤海路碧豪新村南侧中一碧豪综合楼第四层之一(住所申报) [查看地图]
当前位置: 佛山市摩天岭环保科技有限公司 > 机构简介
佛山市摩天岭环保科技有限公司是“净水器、过滤器”、“反渗透RO机、过滤器、净水器”等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。佛山市摩天岭环保科技有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。佛山市摩天岭环保科技有限公司成立于1998年,我们依托雄厚的技术力量和世界先进的水处理技术,研发出多种家用水处理系统,管道分质供水系统及工业水处理设备。 本产品均采用国际国内标准设计,具有外型美观,功能独特、品质优越,产品广泛应用于家用、工业、食品、化工、环保、科研等,本产品畅销全国各省市地区,并远销欧美、东南亚和非洲地区。有不少国内外客源。特别是东南亚国家有较好的信誉和影响力。我们坚持质量第一、服务第一、以人为本的服务理念,贯彻严丝合缝息息相通,以科技为先导,敢为天下先的精神,以更新颖,更高效,更实际的新产品回馈广大客户,同时也欢迎海内外新老客户光临指导。 呵护自然、呵护健康、让我们携手共创辉煌,共创双赢。为我们的地球水更清,天更蓝而负起责任… Motianling Water Treatment Equipment Co.,Ltp. is founded in 1998 and its predecessor is Shanghai holy water science and technology reserch institute. the world,our companyhas researched and developed various of Eco Water System,thbe water quality sub- systems and industrial water system. Our products adopt both local and international standard designs,balancing an appealing look with unique features,Ourproduct can be used for various functions,such as family use,industrial,medical,food, chemical and green technology.Ourcompany markets to the whole of China,Europe,America,South East Asia,and various parts of Africa.Most of our customers, especially those from South East Asia,have good reputation and influence. Based on the ideology of Quality#1,Service#1, people oriented,and the Corporate Goal-To be the Leader of the Pack,through technology and seamless integration,we create value for our customers through newer, more effective &practical products.We welcome any feedback. Protect the Environment,protect our health.Let do our part to helpmake our skies more blue and our water more clear.